Guru Amar Das Ji



"Without the Name, the body suffers in pain; it crumbles like a wall of sand."

In this Shabad, Guru Sahib says, the body crumbles like a wall of Sand and suffers in pain. Without Naam, our life is not worth living, we will struggle to be happy, content and at peace. One tends to suffer through greed and personal ego. We will most likely not be respected or loved by anyone, as most people look out for themselves or their own in this World. We will have no one to turn to in hard times. If we did find someone, there would usually come a point, where we would have to repay them in some form or another. And life goes on in a struggle for survival, until the body falls like a wall of Sand.

True love only comes through the Guru and their sangat (congregation), the rest is all false.

We will be more successful in all our endeavours, if we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take short pauses to relax and re-centre ourselves through Naam Meditation. In this way, we would gain a lot more joy and peace in living.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "In the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, the Name of God wells up, when the True Guru unites us in His Sublime Love."




Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Without the Name, they find no place of rest. In the City of Death, they suffer in agony."

In this Shabad Guru Ji is saying, those who do not Jap Naam Athai Pehar (meditate 24/7) will find no place of rest, even their soul will suffer after physical death. They will be beaten by the messenger of death and their soul will suffer in the cycle of reincarnation, until Guru Sahib blesses them with the key of this human life and Amrit Naam. This is when we are gifted the opportunity to purify this filthy mind and liberate this soul through Naam.

Let your light shine so brightly through Naam meditation, that others may see the way out of the dark!

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Without the Naam all affairs are useless."





Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Without the Name, all are miserable. In the love of duality, they are ruined."


Guru Ji is saying here, all are miserable without the Name. Why are people miserable without the name? They look perfectly happy when we see them. Guru Sahib says in Gurbaanee, "Satgur Taakleeaa Hamaaraa Paapee Pardaa," this means, nobody can see the negative state of our mind, as the Guru has blessed us and covered it with skin. If people really knew what we were thinking, whilst being happy and jolly on the outside, many would avoid speaking to us, as most of the time we are full of negative emotions. We always seem to hide them in amongstΒ  socialising with others. Most people in the world feel miserable and down at times, especially when alone. We need others around us to lift our spirits. Only the Gurmukhs (facing guru), who Jap Naam (meditate) with every breath do not realize what the words 'miserable' and 'down' actually mean, as they very rarely experience negative emotions. They are always on a high through the natural drug of Naam. Their spirits are always raised according to Gurbaanee (Gurus word).


Guru Arjan Dev Ji Says, "Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the whole world is just ashes."




Game of love πŸ’™ - Without Naam Meditation 4


Guru Amardaas Ji Says, "The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is abstinence, truthfulness, and self-restraint. Without the Name, no one becomes pure."

Guru Sahib is saying in this Shabad, no one will become pure without the name of God, as Naam is the only substance which will purify this filthy mind from the suffering of many life times. This Naam can only be gifted to us by Guru Sahib Ji in the form of panj pyaare (five spiritually elevated singhs), in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Only blessed ones receive it! Through receiving this Naam, they realise its great value and hold it close to their Heart. They never let go! Through Amrit Naam they become pooray (pure.)

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "But without the Lord's Name, liberation is not obtained. As Gurmukh, obtain the Naam and liberate the soul."


Game of love ❀️- WITHOUT NAAM (God's Mantra)

WITHOUT NAAM (God's Mantra)
The next few posts will be based on Gurbaani quotes regarding, how our life would be without Naam meditation.

The central focus for every gursikhs life, should be Naam (name of God). The whole of Gurbaani, (Gurus word) starts and ends with one substance and that is of Naam. Guru sahib goes on to say, the Naam should become our every breath of life (24/7). Those that don't jap (meditate) on Naam, sorry to say, life is going to be an up hill struggle without it. To be very honest, if we have not japped Naam, we haven't seen or experienced this beautiful human life form. Naam is beyond this life! It's the most vast ras (taste) anyone can ever imagine or experience. There's no taste like it! it's pure ecstasy! Guru sahib has called it the most purest and most ecstatic ammal (drug) to have been brought to earth. Once tasted, not even rehabilitation can separate you from it. It's taste is indescribable, just as the mute struggles to describe the taste of sweet candy.

So if you want to taste this immense sweetness, you will have to go in the midst of the true saints to find it. Go to Naam, baani and kirtan programmes, sit with Gursikhs and Guru sahib will bless you with Amrit one day, where Amrit Naam will be your reward and gift.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Without serving the True Guru, the Naam is not obtained. The Naam is the True profit in this world."




Game of love πŸ’™- FAITH!


Hi.... My name is Aman Sokhal (12 years of age)

I am a young kid like everyone else out there, and I was really fascinated by patkas (short head covering) because they looked so cool and I always thought that I will have a patka too, but didn't know when that will happen. So 5-6 years later, I decided to grow my hair for a patka. When I was 11, I visited to India and that influenced me a lot to grow my hair.

My hair is long now and I am wearing a patka. My first day of wearing a patka was yesterday (September 11th 2014). I was really nervous like crazy, I thought people would say is that "a tennis ball on your head" or "you look weird", but it wasn't like that.

I knew if I discipline myself to do what I know I should do I will be fine, so I did the mool mantra (short prayer) 5 times, and off I went to school confidently like a proud Khalsa Singh. I just did waheguru simran for the whole day in the back of my head, and I knew everything would be okay, because I had sense that Guru is right in my heart.

So kids please don't be scared or nervous because everything is going to be just fine. I didn't get bullied so you guys will not too. If you're having trouble going to school, do the moolmantar 5 times and think that the Guru is right in your heart and that will heal your fear!

I walked into the school wearing my patka nervous and proud the same time, but also knew as I am a very popular person with a amazing personality, (I mean the school says that believe me). So once we sat in the class I asked my teacher if I could go in all the grade 7 and 8 classes to explain why and how I look today that I am the same person but taking a different path following my religion Sikhism.

My teacher and best friend came along side of me and went to each class which made me more confident as I walked into the classrooms. My teacher and best friend was very supportive of me and they also explained to the class. All of the kids in the classroom clapped when I finished my presentation and everyone in the school said how they are very proud of me, it was amazing experience.  

I am telling you I was SO nervous, but I knew I had strength that the Guru is right with me. Think ahead for a moment and how you feel after accomplishing your mission in being yourself. Accept this responsibility for your life, know that it is you who will get you where you want to go. No one else.  Just go out there being strong in yourself, brave like a lion (sher).

I am very thankful to God as he has shown me this path to take. "So satgur pyaaraa mere naal hai"

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "That Beloved True Guru is always with me; wherever I may be, He will save me."

We should take steps now, as we are young and energetic. Is it right us really taking steps, when we can't see with our eyes or hear with our ears, we have become old, frail and can't serve others? What is the point then? What good are we to our Guru, when we can't even love or serve him? If we call ourselves Sikhs, let's start to at least look like one. The courage and passion of this Guru loving, young 12 year old boy puts us all to shame!


Game of love πŸ’œ- AGE OF DARKNESS


Bhai Mardhana saw a man, wrapped up in a shawl with holes in it. He asked him, who he was. He said, "I am Kaljug (the age of darkness), I make people lust with these eyes and eat/talk filth with this toungue. I control all their senses."

Bhai Mardhana said, "You can only do that to the weak, who have no control over their minds, as they have no Naam meditation to control their senses and thoughts."

Bhai Mardhana then noticed lots of holes in his shawl and asked, "Why have you got so many holes in your shawl?"

Kaljug replied, "Just like you said, I tried to control the minds of those that meditated on Naam but they pierced through me as though I never existed. This is the reason I have these holes in my shawl."


The mind is very weak, it is controlled by the mind's desires (maya/kaljug). Kaljug is the state of our mind, we need to revert it back to Satjug (the age of truth and true love for Vaheguroo). The only substance which can control and conquer this filthy mind is the Name of God. Repetition of the Name, replaces all thoughts and purifies our senses. One's mind becomes balanced and controlled by the True Guru's teachings of Naam Meditation. Then, the eyes only begin to see God in all, the ears only yearn to hear positive and listen to Vaheguroo's praises, and the tongue only loves to speak positive, Praise God and their Creation. All negativity disappears from within.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "The True Guru is imbued with the Naam, the Name of God; He is the boat in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga."
