Sikhi Game of love- FEARLESS


Everybody fears something. Some fears are totally irrational but others are born out of our natural survival instinct.

So even if someone sees themselves as totally fearless, they are naturally programmed to fear the outcome that is likely to result from a lion running towards you.

The reality is, that we all have a mixture of small/irrational fears and the much bigger fears like death/injury etc.

The only ones that are truly fearless are the ones that have realised the fearlessness that resides within us all.

One of the basic tenets of Sikh philosophy is the recognition that fearlessness is a key quality of the timeless lord.

Those who manage to reveal the presence of the fearless lord of the universe within themselves, through the constant repetition of Naam meditation, will start to truly become fearless. The ultimate fear of death will then also vanish, as they realise that they will never actually die, as they are an integral part of the everlasting master of the universe.

The fifth Guru Sahib, Guru Arjan Dev Jee puts this very succinctly in Sukhmani Sahib as follows:

Nirabho Japai Sagal Bho Mittai ||

Meditating on the Fearless Lord, all fear departs.

Prabh Kirapaa Thae Praanee Shhuttai ||

By God's Grace, mortals are released.

