Sikhi Game of love- MISTAKES


"I am a sinner, continuously making mistakes; You are the Forgiving Lord."

Because we live in the Dark age, it is human nature to make many mistakes, only God is free from mistakes. These can be committed through our actions, words and thoughts. It is important to learn from these and thrive not to make them again. Often we can feel bad for what we have done; an Ardaas should be to guru ji because he is ever forgiving and loving. Everyday is a new day. Forget about the previous day and start fresh with a positive mind. The difference between a sinner and a saint is that the saint keeps on trying and rectifying mistakes. The more sangat (spiritual company) we keep and the more Naam/Gurbani we concentrate on, naturally Guru Sahib Ji blesses his servants and washes away the impurity, making his Gursikhs blessed, pure and forever loving. 

