Oneness is the very root of our existence, it is the ultimate Truth.

The more we can learn to see everything as one and the same, the more compassion and love we can develop in ourselves and others.

Going back far enough, we all share a common ancestor. We have the same blood. We feel the same emotions. We are born, we live and we die. 

It is easy to become distracted by the distinctions and labels that we give things which we perceive to be different: man and woman; child and adult; black and white; ocean and land; etc. However, where does the real difference originate in these things? Just as we can separate One into many, we can reunite many into One: human, colour, the Earth. 

When we invite ourselves to see the bigger picture, we can see the Oneness in everything that is. It is important to take time to zoom out from the focus we force ourselves to live in and realise our Oneness.

Often, it is not through concentration on the One that we find the One, rather it is through letting go of the many we think that we see, that we find the One.

Seeing things as two (or more) causes us to suffer, whether that be through lust, anger, greed, attachment or pride. When we realise One, there is only room for Truth, Contentment, Compassion, Humility and Love.

The One gave birth to us, the One sustains us, the One loves us, the One is us.

When we remember the One, we feel bliss like no other, for the One is the sum of the bliss of many.

We connect to the One through the Sacred Vibration of Naam (the Name of God). The most powerful way to do this is to let go of everything in our mind and sing the Naam with complete concentration and love. 

Connecting to the One is a blessing given by Guru Ji through learning, understanding and following their teachings. May we take at least one step on this path, for then with Guru Jiโ€™s Kirpa (Grace) they will take thousands more steps for us.

