Game of love ๐Ÿ’›- GOSSIP


"One who's heart is filled with malicious gossip, everything they do is in vain."

Guru RamDas Ji 1534-1581

Everyone enjoys a good gossip, but no one wants others to gossip about them. Gossip only brings negativity. Avoid gossip and accept that everyone, just like yourself, has ups and downs in their lives and are different.

When we gossip about others, it shows we are weak humans. Life is a mirror, we are on the inside as we are on the outside. If we are loving, peaceful and calm on the outside, that's exactly what the state of our mind and soul will be on the inside.

By gossiping about others we are sewing bad karma for ourselves, which we will have to pay for in this life or the hereafter.

It's easier to accept all as one, meditate and live in high spirits.

Gossip means we are empty inside and separated from the true taste of spiritual fulfilment. To listen to Gossip is as bad as speaking it.ย 
