Game of love ๐Ÿ’™- LOVING GURU'S SIKHS!


"Jo sikh so(n) hith n karehi so narakae par jaahu."

Those who do not show love to other Sikhs will be punished at death.

Thankhaanama Bhai Nand Laal Jee.

We are all aware that Sikhs of the Guru are supposed to see Vaheguroo (God) in all. This is what makes us Sikhs. This is the purest form of a Sikh, when one's drishtee (inner eyes) begin to see God in which ever direction they look. This state of mind is only blessed through immense Naam meditation practise, Guru Kirpa (blessings) or previous Karma.

Going back to the Thankhaanama. So we have cleared up what a sikh should be and what they should become. We are all clear on that. The problem is, we fail to see God in our own brothers and sisters. This is what Bhai Sahib Ji is talking about in the Thankhaanama. If we can't show love to our brothers and sisters, we will be punished to death. We have to remember, everyone who has been blessed with Amrit (Sikh baptism), are the sons and daughters of the most blessed and purest being to have stepped foot on earth (Guru Gobind Singh Ji).

Do we differentiate between our biological siblings? So what gives us the right to differentiate against our Siblings in the roop (identity) of the Khalsa? Do we think we are better than them? Do we think our father is closer to us than them? Do we think we have an ownership on Sikhi? Do we think Guru Ji loves us more? Do we think we are his close family and the others are not? Do we think he created a certain faction of Gursikhs, gave them more teachings and then created the rest? Do we think he chose a certain group as his favourites and the others were his lesser favourites?

Our Guru was too pure to have this mind set. Guru Ji was God on earth. They were one with Vaheguroo. They looked at all a like. They saw gold and dust as equals. They looked at all, no matter which religion, as one.

If Guru Ji had this lowly state of mind, there would never be a Khalsa Raj (pure rule). Guru Ji's picture and vision of Gurmat is/was always of one without any flaws and one of that no one could point the finger at.

So before we think we have a hold on Sikhi and Guru Ji is closer to a certain group (jathebandhee) than the other, let's read the Thankhaanama above. Sikhi is earned and won through the eyes of love, humility, honesty, righteousness and compassion. Guru Ji loves and honours those, who love and live Gurbaanee (Guru's teachings). When we become 'that' Sikh, then the eyes of judgement are demolished and replaced by the eyes of truth and love.

Many youngsters are treading this path with great passion. Let's guide the immense energy they have to offer, in a positive way. In a way that our panth will gain from and not in a way that our panth (family) will be split or suffer from. It's time to be Guru Ji's wise, loving children and not Guru Ji's naive, troublesome and problematic children.

We are here to do one thing. Let's all live Gurbaanee and become it!

Guru Amardas Ji Says,ย  "The Guru unites His Sikhs, the Gurmukhs, with the Lord. The Guru keeps some of them with Himself, and engages others in His Service. Those who cherish their Beloved in their conscious minds, the Guru blesses them with His Love. "Gur sikhaa eiko piaar gur mithaa puthaa bhaaeeaa." The Guru loves all of His Gursikhs equally well, like friends, children and siblings. So chant the Name of the Guru, the True Guru, everyone! Chanting the Name of the Guru, Guru, you shall be rejuvenated."
