Game of love ๐Ÿ’š- OCCUPATION


"Jih bidhh rehath n naas hoe soee ttehil kamaaei."

The Sikh should only hold that post which does not counteract on their Rehat.

Rehatnama Bhai Desa Singh.

Which Rehit (code of conduct) is Bhai Sahib Ji talking about here? The answer is always, both! The physical, outwardly rehit is just as important as the internal, spiritual discipline. The simple answer is, any form of occupation in which stops the Sikh from keeping the panj kakaar (5Ks) or any of the other physical disciplines we keep, is a no no. Any job which takes us away from Vaheguroo's name is also not the best occupation to have.

This is a very tricky subject. It also depends on the individual, as to what they want to take away from Sikhi. Bhai Sahib Ji and Gurbaani have made it very clear, that any occupation which affects the Sikhs spiritual and physical rehit, should not be taken.

So what do we as individuals want out of life? Do we want to be liberated? Do we want to have Darshan (vision of Guru Ji)? Do we want to become one with Vaheguroo? If the answer is yes to all these questions, then we all most certainly know how to attain it. It's only through sincere devotion of Guru Ji's name.ย 

Are we willing to listen to our Guru or only listen to certain parts?

One could argue, we need professional Sikhs in every field to help the panth grow spiritually, morally, socially and politically.

Is there a right or wrong answer?ย 

If we are living our jivan (life) according to Gurbaani, then their is only one right answer. And that is, when the Name of Vaheguroo leaves our heart, breath and mind, we suffer. At that point we are as good as dead. At that point we are thinking evil and negative thoughts. At that point, we are separated from our beloved Vaheguroo. At that point Guru Sahib Ji says, "we were better off dying in our mothers womb."

If we take up the true occupation of Guru Ji's name, then no worldly affair will be able to affect our mind set. Guru Ji will always give us everything we need to get through life. Most of all, our mind, body and soul will be at peace and content.

The reality is, we lack faith in Guru Ji and think we are in control. When our faith is pure and powerful in Guru Ji, then Guru Ji will turn the face of the earth for us to succeed, just as he did for Bhagat Naamdeyv Ji.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Rae man ttehal har sukh saar || avar ttehalaajhoot(h)eeaa nith karai jam sir maar."

O mind, true peace comes from serving the Lord. Other services are false, and as punishment for them, the Messenger of Death bashes in one's head.
