Game of love πŸ’›- LIVING IN THE PRESENT


Start noticing and living in the present. – Right now is a miracle. Right now is the only moment guaranteed to you. Right now is life. So stop thinking about how great things will be in the future. Stop dwelling on what did or didn’t happen in the past. Learn to be in the β€˜here and now’ and experience life as it’s happening. Appreciate the world for the beauty that it holds, right now!

The above is one of the main reasons we are not happy in this life. The only way we can notice and live in the present is by controlling the mind. The problem is, we are always thinking about the past if not the future. When we think about the past, we can not cherish the moment we are living in and we can not give that moment our all. That moment will not come again so it's important we acknowledge it fully and experience it to its fullest.

We dwell in the past and future but can anyone guarantee the future to us. We will never know what's around the corner. We could plan many things but who knows when we are going to breathe our last breath. Cherish, love and respect the breath you breathe now.

The above is an impossible task without Naam meditation. No one can live in the present without controlling and conquering this mind. We have to learn to make the mind ours and not let the mind take us towards desires of any kind. How beautiful it would be to tell the mind what to do, instead of the mind leading us to duality.

When we meditate, one naturally begins to think about the present, as the present is God and the taste (ras) is unbearable, which supports us to live in the 'now.' One would not want to leave the state of constantly thinking and meditating on God, whilst experiencing the true ecstasy of love. At this point one is overwhelmed internally and doesn't need the desire of the past and future thoughts floating through ones mind to keep them satisfied and fulfilled.

It's the mark of an educated and meditative mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Without the Guru and meditation, liberation is not attained, and the double-mindedness of Materialism and desire does not go away."

