Game of love ๐Ÿ’œ- OPENING OF THE HEART


As we take a journey of meditation and opening of the heart, let us experience the heart blossom like a lotus flower. let us connect with the Infinite fountain of love within. We can only truly love others when we are attuned to that Self love. All from the Source within.

'The fact is, if a person has not experienced the love of his or her own soul, there is no chance that, that person can go out and love, even though it is a faculty of love that you most powerfully need.'
Yogi Bhajan

When one realises the wealth of love within through meditation, it becomes natural for them to love others in the same way. They see the soul of others, just as they see their own soul. Everything around them becomes spiritual, they tend not to look at anything through their worldly eyes. These eyes have now been transformed to the eyes of God, they only see the love of Vaheguroo in all.

The opening of the heart and mind only comes through the balance of Naam meditation. Otherwise ones mind remains closed and is never ready to develop further and absorb the divine wisdom from within. The ocean of divine knowledge is within, yet we have cut all links to it through our ego and ignorance.

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "The Guru, the Perfect True Guru, is my Mother and Father. Obtaining the Water of the Guru, the lotus of my heart blossoms forth."

