Game of love- Blessings!


When we are gifted to sing the supreme Mantra of the Divine One (Vaheguroo), we receive incredible bliss and joy, feeling deeply connected to the One we came from.

The Pure Guru, the perfect embodiment of the One who brings light into darkness, has showered their blessings by gifting them the opportunity to meditate upon God's purest Name.

In the video, the gospel choir are singing "Vaheguroo" Gur-mantra at the Strand In London where SWAT (Sikh Welfare and Awareness Team) had their annual homeless street party, feeding many many free hot vegetarian meals to the homeless of London.

"Jin saeviaa jin saeviaa maeraa har jee thae har har roop samaasee ||
Those who serve, those who serve my Dear God, are absorbed into the Being of the Eternal One, Har, Har.

Sae dhha(n)n sae dhha(n)n jin har dhhiaaeiaa jee jan naanak thin bal jaasee ||3||
Blessed are they, blessed are they, who meditate on their Dear Eternal God 'Har'. Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to them. ||3||"

Please view 3min link below!


