Game of love- PLEASURE & PAIN


Once, a man visited a holy person, seeking his blessings and advice to carry him through his life. Sliding two pieces of paper in to two envelopes, he wrote "Dukh" (pain) on one and on the other he wrote "Sukh" (pleasure). He then turned and gave the envelopes to the visiting man and said, "Dear son, when you've reached a point in your life and you feel life can get no worse, I want you to open the envelope labelled "Dukh" (pain). When you've reached a point in your life and you think it can't get any better, I want you to open the envelope labelled "Sukh" (pleasure). With gratitude, the man took these and stored them safely. 

Later on in life, the man lost his friends, his business had failed him and he suffered many personal tragedies. He was sad, depressed and felt he had reached a low point in life. Recalling the holy man, he Reached for the envelope labelled "Dukh" and pulled out a paper that read, "This, too, shall pass." The message brought him hope and belief that things can change and that nothing was permanent. 

Over time, as his life improved, he found himself with new friends, his business thriving and he was surrounded with beauty and joy. He felt life couldn't get any better. He recalled the holy persons words and decided to open the envelope labelled "Sukh." He opened the envelope. A gentle smile and peace fell over him, as he read the paper that said, "This too shall pass."


Nothing in life is permanent yet we attach ourselves to everything materialistic (maya). Pleasure and pain is the same to the spiritual beings, this is how they find tranquility and peace. We need to accept the will of God. This will come through developing a balanced mind through Naam simran  (meditation). 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "I look upon pleasure and pain alike; I shall not forsake the Naam, the Name of God. God Himself forgives me, and blends me with Himself."
