Game of love- SEVA (selfless service)

SEVA (selfless service)

There was a sikh, who was voluntarily washing the dirty utensils, after pangat (congregation) had eaten at Harmander Sahib (golden temple). He was doing a great job. 

Another poor Sikh man came towards him and tried to help. The Sikh man washing, abruptly said, "Move away, this is my Seva" (selfless service). The poor sikh man, whilst humbly meditating said "Satbachan" (true say) and walked away meekly. 

Seva should kill our ego. There are ways and means of speaking to people. The Sikh man should have embraced him and said, "This is not my Seva it's Guru's Seva, of course, we will do it together my brother." The Sikh man, who walked away, was a more spiritual soul. 

Where there is Seva without Naam, there is ego. Nothing is ours or mine, all is Guru's (Gods). The story above illustrates that. Any form of Seva should make us meek and humble. If it is not, we are seriously doing something wrong. If it doesn't change our character or lower our state of mind, we need to take a step back and re think why and how we are doing the Seva. 

When Seva is assisted by a Meditating mind, this is when the Seva takes its full effect and destroys the mind's negative thoughts. It humbles the mind and purifies the being through love. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "centre your awareness on Seva and focus your consciousness on the true word (Vaheguroo). Subduing your ego, you will find a lasting piece and your emotional attachment to maya (worldly pleasures) will be dispelled."
