Game of love 328- FORGIVENESS


"To practice forgiveness is the true fast, good conduct and contentment." 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

It can be very hard to forgive, however if you do, then others will see the good in you and your own grief over being hurt by someone else will not dig in to you. It is far better to forgive and move on rather than hold on to the past and make life difficult for yourself and others, as negative energy is always clearly felt. A sack of potatoes always rots and gets heavier over time. It always takes a bigger person to forgive and move on. 

What is the point in fasting if we can't forgive? Guru sahib ji speaks to our Muslim brothers/sisters in the shabad above. 

It is our ego that does not let us forgive. If we meditated, purified our filthy minds and attempted to see God in all, as all are a part and the soul of God, we would find it very easy to forgive, move on and always be surrounded by the positive energy of Guru's Naam and Baani. 

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Gurmukh bakhas jamaaeean manamukhee mool gavaaeiaa."
The Gurmukh grows the crop of forgiveness, while the self-willed manmukh loses the root of virtue, which is forgiveness. 
