"Jo maathaa pithaa dhee aagiaa naama(n)nae so bhee thanakhaaheeaa."
One who does not show respect to the wishes of their parents will be punished.

Rehatnama Bhai Chaupaa Singh Jee.

It's very important that we respect our parents! Some parents are great and they do earn alot of respect from their children. On the other hand, there will be parents that are not as good and sometimes will be misleading and misguiding. 

All the rehits (spiritual rules) are given to the faithful Sikh to obey. There is always a perfect motive behind the rehit being given to us. 

A Practicing Sikh, is supposed to be a kind, loving, patient, caring, compassionate and a truthful human being. It doesn't matter how nasty our parents are, as this doesn't give us an excuse to disrespect them. We may not do as they say, if they ask us to do something which goes against our beliefs but this gives us an opportunity to guide, help and teach them. There is no need for a practicing Sikh or any patient individual to be nasty and extremely disrespectful to their parents. This goes against all spiritual disciplines and definitely against the spiritual teachings of Guru Sahib Ji. 

We need to remember, most these parents raised us, nurtured us, educated us and most of all brought us in to this world with the blessings of Guru Ji. 

So before we are nasty and disrespectful to maybe a parent that is not as caring, let's think about everything they have previously done for us. Let's think about our mind set! How can we improve it? How can we help them? How can we support them? How can we guide them? And most of all, how can we be patient and accept the negative within them? if there is any. 

The above can only be achieved, if we are taking our spiritual guidance from Guru Ji and remembering Vaheguroo's name with every breath. This will purify our deluded mind and raise our spiritual awareness to become more loving, accepting, tolerating and patient human beings. 

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Kaahae pooth jhagarath ho sa(n)g baap || jin kae janae baddeerae thum ho thin sio jhagarath paap."

O son, why do you argue with your father? It is a sin to argue with the one who fathered you and raised you. 
