Game of love 285- ILLNESS


"Jai tan bani visar jaae, jio Pakka rogi vilaalaae" - When a body (person) forgets the Gurus bani, then they begin to suffer from a long term illness. 
Those who forget gurbani become Pakka Rogi. 

This line doesn't refer to reading or listening, it refers to forgetting. So we may read but if we don't remember in our day and in our actions, then we suffer. 
This affects our actions as we condone and participate within our daily lives. This may include swearing, lying, slandering, gossiping and so on. 

We become less sensitive to our surroundings and are happy to engage in anti-gurmat (non Sikhi/spiritual things. If Gurbani is the map which leads us to the Gurus door, then simply by looking at the map and not following it becomes pointless. 

The Guru is the bani and those that follow every Bachan (teaching), will reach the Guru.  Those that simply read or listen, will become lost in the whirlpool of kaljug (dark age). The Shubh Amal (correct actions) that Guru Nanak Paatshah talked about in Mecca are all clearly stated but our commitment to them is often lacking!! 

When we find the True Guru, we will follow the teachings and live by the truth. We need to recognise and attach ourselves to their beautiful teachings, in order for the love of Gurbaani to radiate through us. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, ""Naam nidhhaan sathiguroo sunaaeiaa mitt geae sagalae rogaa jeeo.
The True Guru has inspired me to hear the Treasure of the Naam; all my illnesses have been dispelled."
