Game of love 269- SOCIAL MEDIA


The majority of us, are aware of all the disturbing events that are taking place with the Sikhs in the state of Punjab, India. 

Just to clarify, our living Guru, the embodiment of our faith, our spiritual guide, our liberator, enlightener Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, is being disrespected all over the state of Punjab. 

External agencies are sending people to the villages of Punjab and sadly burning, tearing and attempting to destroy the breath, life and soul of Sikhs (Guru Granth Sahib Ji). Our leadership in Punjab is weak hence our struggle. 

No faith can withstand atrocities carried out on their beloved holy scriptures in this way on a daily basis. Everyone must feel and hear our cry! 

Sikhs have asked the BBC and other main stream news channels to cover it but no one is interested in broadcasting the news. This news will not generate enough business for main stream news channels to cover. "So let's just ignore it." This is the view of the news channels.  

Social media is an absolutely huge tool we should be taking advantage of. No faith should face atrocities of this form ever, under any circumstance. Our voices needed to be heard and aired. Majority of the world, is on social media through many forms of electronic devices. Let's take advantage of it and spread what is happening in Punjab all over the world. We are doing a fantastic job but if we all pulled our weight collectively,  we could do much better. 

Our brothers and sisters are sending us images, clips, videos directly from Punjab. All these clips should be shared, forwarded, liked by all of us and spread to Sikhs and none Sikhs globally. The movement should be massive.  

If we all did this, everyone would get to hear about our grief, pain and suffering. Many would want to help us, as they already are and eventually main stream media would have to broadcast our appeals. 

Guru Sahib Ji is everyone's not just a select few peoples! We can all make a difference. Please play your part by forwarding, sharing and liking everything you see regarding the incidents in Punjab.  

Guru Sahib will always be there to bless, assist and guide us in their service. We are never alone! 

Helping others will not necessarily change the world but it will change the world for that person! Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others what counts most!  

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "kar saevaa thoo(n) saadhh kee ho kaatteeai jam jaal ||1||

Do seva, selfless service, for the Holy Saints, and the noose of Death shall be cut away."
