Game of love 264- PARENTING!


What skills do parents need to become excellent parents? 

It's important parents bring their children up in the correct fashion in this day and age. It's very scary out there. We don't want our kids growing up around the wrong crowd and going off the rails. 

How do we tackle this kind of pressure? 

Firstly, it's important we are very open and honest with our children. There should be nothing hidden from your children regarding your relationship with your partner. Both parents should get on very well. We should not argue in front of our children. Any issues not suitable for the child's ears, should not be spoken about in front of the child. The children should always see their parents as a model of love and aspire to be like them when they get older. The parents should lead by example. 

Just as the parents don't hide anything from their children, in the same way, the children should not be hiding anything from their parents. Their phones and all their personal devices should be that of an open book. 

The children should be taught to love and respect all adults, as they would their own parents. They should be taught manners from the beginning. They should always be very polite. They should be striving for a very good education and a professional career. They should make friends with those that will help them academically along the way.  

Above are a few worldly attributes on how a parent should work towards bettering their child. 

Guru Ji has given us a very simple instruction on how to become a tremendous parent. Guru Ji has mentioned all the above and added, a child will become all the above when they realise everything in life is a gift from Guru Ji. 

Guru Ji gives us beautiful and loving parents, Guru Ji blesses us with a professional career. Guru Ji blesses us with friends and family and most of all Guru Ji blesses us with the sangat (company) of those who are spiritual. 

It's important we lead our children in the right direction. We can have everything but if we don't have Sikhi everything is of vain. When we guide our children in to the lap of their true father (Guru Ji) and their beloved mother (sangat), they gain the life of a spiritual being. Through the Gurus teachings, they are taught how to live life spiritually, socially, politically, righteously, professionally and diplomatically. 

They gain the qualities of a pure human being by conquering their mind through Naam meditation. They learn how to still this monkey like mind and focus it in the right direction, when required, in great confidence. Nothing phases them, as their Guru has blessed his hand on their head. 

It's a great skill being a parent. Once the household is filled with peace, love, tranquility, compassion, truth and happiness through the teachings of Guru Ji, parenting becomes a natural skill. The child becomes the perfect individual through the positive energy in which runs through their loving household. 

Anyone can have a child and call themselves a parent. A real parent is someone who puts that child above their own selfish needs and wants. Being a parent means loving your child more than you ever loved yourself and leading them to realise their true self. 

Bhagat Ravidas Ji says, "He becomes pure by meditating on the Lord God. He saves himself and the families of both his parents."
