Game of love 261- HEALTH, EXERCISE & FITNESS


It is a core part of Sikhi to keep ourselves healthy and physically fit. Exercise and healthy eating in Sikhi is a must! 

Guru Ji has called this body vessel our temple and accordingly, we need to be very respectful in our choices around what we feed it. This accompanied with appropriate exercise helps to create body and mind balance which is key to our spiritual development. The foods we eat also affect our consciousness directly. The way food is prepared, the energy of the food we eat, the manner in which we eat it and of course the core constituents of the food we eat all affect its impact on our being. Eating heavy, toxin rich, highly processed foods creates lethargy not only in the body but also the mind. It also sets the stage for disease in the body.

There is immense wisdom in the path that our Guru's set us upon. The lifestyle that we were directed to follow all those centuries ago is now being embraced by millions of people following the findings of modern science. A lifestyle where we eat in moderation, eat simply adhering to a healthy vegetarian diet (rich in vegetables and fruits), eat consciously after meditating so our body is most receptive to receive the gift of food, avoid toxins (alcohol,tobacco/smoke). Clinical studies show that a healthy vegetarian diet reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and many other diseases.

Foods to avoid include: processed foods (cakes, biscuits, chocolates) high in saturated fats and refined sugar, fizzy drinks (sugar rich and diet versions contain toxic artificial sweeteners and other chemicals), deep fried foods (high in trans fat content). Essentially foods that we enjoy but which should be reserved as an occasional indulgence at the most!

Foods to consume in higher quantities include: fruits and vegetables (raw and organic where possible), legumes / pulses / beans, wholegrains, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, herbs and spices, dark chocolate in moderation, pure water. Dairy in moderation is generally handled reasonably well by the majority of people though it is a mucous forming food with inflammation causing properties and care needs to be taken to consume the purest forms of dairy (organic ideally).

Our main meal should be in the morning as our digestion fire is at it's strongest when we first awake and it is also ensures we have sufficient energy until we take lunch. Our lunch should be more modest in size and the evening meal should be the lightest, eating it no less than two hours before going to sleep, as eating just before bed interferes with our sleep.

Many Sikhs keep their bodies healthy by practicing yoga. This is great, as yoga postures and exercise help us sit for periods of meditation for a lot longer. As Sikhs, our main focus should always be the Shabad (the Guru's Word), all other things are a tool to help us connect more deeply with the Sacred Word of the Guru.

Guru Ji created gatka (sikh martial art) and urged his Sikhs to horse ride and wrestle. Guru Ji made sure his Sikhs were physically fit, active and very mobile through archery and physical service of the congregation too. Back in the days, Sikhs fought many battles and did a lot of travelling, this also kept them very healthy and fit.

Exercise reduces stress and increases concentration levels by producing a chemical called norepinephrine. Exercise releases endorphins to create happiness in ones life. It creates inner confidence, improves self esteem, because of a more positive image. Working out is important to help prevent Alzheimer's later on in life. It produces chemicals in the brain which support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus (part of the brain for memory & learning). It alleviates anxiety, boosts brain power and sharpens the memory. Exercise helps prevent any form of drug addiction, increases relaxation, it helps us to be more active and get more done. Exercise helps us to become more creative and inspires others to better themselves.

So overall exercise for everyone is very important. A Sikh should regularly exercise to better their mind, body and soul. We should not let ourselves go, as this is also a weakness in the mind.

Unless it is the result of a health disorder, there is no excuse for a Sikh to be overweight or unhealthy. We choose to be overweight and unhealthy. We can definitely do something about it, if we put our mind to it.

So if we want to become spiritual, stronger and more powerful Sikhs of the Guru, it's time to hit the gym, start exercising and eating healthier guys. There are many ways of keeping fit at home also. There are many videos on YouTube which guide us through many forms of various exercises.

Keeping Fit and healthy is not about being better than someone else, it's about being the best that you can be. We owe that to Vaheguroo who blessed us with this body, this life, this breath. 

Bhai Gurdaas Ji
"koee har ma(n)dhar karai ko karai aroorree."

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "The mind is the temple and the body is the fence built around it to protect it.
The Dear Lord has fashioned the body as the temple of the Lord, O my dear beloveds; the Lord continues to dwell there."

