Game of love 243- I KEEP MY EYES LOWERED


Kabeer, I keep my eyes lowered, and enshrine my Friend within my heart.

I enjoy all pleasures with my Beloved, but I do not let anyone else know.

This is a beautiful salok from Bhagat Kabeer Ji and has a very deep meaning. Keeping eyes low, refers to humility and also being introvert. That person who recognises Vaheguroo inside them and has had that blessed vision (Darshan), will naturally become quieter, humble and more introvert. 

Keeping eyes down, also refers to not looking at the illusion of the world. This has become uninteresting for the person who has enshrined Vaheguroo (Friend/God) within them. 
This person now enjoys the rass (taste) of Naam meditation and feels and sees Vaheguroo everywhere. Their soul is very close to merging with the pure soul (Vaheguroo) at this stage. 

These are the final stages. They don't shout this about. They just keep it to themselves. They sit quietly in Sangat (congregation) and during Kirtan (singing of Gods praises), they listen to the Naam within them which is happening automatically (ajappa jaap). No one knows what they are experiencing and even if they tried to explain in words, they couldn't. 

The beauty about a pure human being is, they live in their own mauj (mesmerised state). They do whatever pleases them and God and are not worried about what the world thinks. On the same page (ang) Bhagat Kabeer Ji Says, "I look up and see God in every heart." The ang (page) shows the true beauty of Sikhi. 

Only those that have experienced the same will know this state. This is my novice attempt to explain Bhagat kabeer ji's salok. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Sweetness and humility, O Nanak, are the essence of virtue and goodness."
