Game of love 228- RECOGNISE YOURSELF!


Start being honest with yourself about everything. Be honest about what’s right, as well as what needs to be changed. Be honest about what you want to achieve and who you want to become. Be honest with every aspect of your life, always. Because you are the one person you can forever count on. Search your soul, for the truth, so that you truly know who you are. Once you do, you’ll have a better understanding of where you are now and how you got here, and you’ll be better equipped to identify where you want to go and how to get there. 

As humans we fail to recognise who we really are. We think what we see is who we are and we accept this world as being the truth. We fail to see that we are all temporary beings In this false world. Our life is a game, which we need to play adequately to conquer our coming and going in this temporary world. Because we think this world is here to stay and we are permanent, we stop being honest with ourselves. We lie to others and eventually we believe the lie is us. We lie once to lie many more times, as the dishonesty needs to be hidden by many more lies. 

When we start becoming honest with ourselves, we will realise how blissful and beautiful life can be. One becomes a free soul, as they have nothing to hide from the world. They become so content with there inner, the outer blossoms forth beautifully. 

If things in our life need to be changed for the better, it's best taking that step now, as we will never know what's around the corner. It's best to purify ourselves now, rather than live with a guilty conscience. Everyone makes mistakes but when the mistake is realised and rectified, it no longer remains a guilt, as long as the mistake is not committed again. 

If you want to become something in life, do ardaas to Guru Sahib, have belief in that ardaas, have belief in yourself and Guru Sahib will never let you (his children) down. 

To have a faith is the most powerful and loving feeling anyone can imagine. To know Guru Sahib is always close and guiding us in spirit is a world that can not be described. 

We question ourselves, why don't we feel that love, radiance, energy and aura of Guru Sahib Ji? It is not anyone else's fault, the fault is within us. Our ego won't let us feel it. When we meditate on Vaheguroo's name, Vaheguroo will always feel very close. It will feel as Vaheguroo is inside us, making all our important decisions and guiding us appropriately. 

One who has a faith and follows it correctly, by always remembering Guru Ji with every breath, will always remain happy, content and in high spirits. The shortfalls of life will never get them down. 

Remember! Beautiful faces will age and beautiful bodies will change but Guru Jis beautiful souls will always remain beautiful souls. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "One whose body is imbued with the Fear of the True Guru and whose tongue savors Truthfulness, is brought to ecstasy by the True Lord's Glance of Grace. That person does not have to go through the fire of the womb again."
