Game of love 209- UNPARALLELED ENERGY!


When a beautiful rose is picked from it's plant and thrown on the floor, this is the time it looses it's beauty, fragrance and respect. It is kicked and dirtied by many. In the same way, when the sikh stops following the commands of his Guru, one loses all their fragrance, energy, respect, honour and beauty. Their fragrance is only adorned by others, when following the Gurus way, keeping a discipline/identity, meditating on Gods name and living the life of a virtuous human being. 

A Sikh that meditates on Gods name, goes on spreading the beautiful fragrance of the Guru wherever they go. Their energy becomes very positive and radiant and attracts many towards them. When meditation becomes a part of this individuals body and soul, attraction towards them becomes effortless. 

It is very difficult to maintain a loving positive energy in this world. There are many situations in which we are easily affected and our energy levels end up decreasing. When this occurs, we become very selfish and consider nobody apart from ourselves. This only happens, as our egos won't let us serve others, because our energy levels are too low to even consider others without a reward. Very few people see the love of God in all, most are only attracted to their loved and attached ones. Our worldly eyes can't manage to see past this delusion. 

It's only continuous meditation on Naam and the positive life changing teachings of Guru Ji, in which will continuously guide us through with unparalleled energy to serve all of humanity (Gods creation). This is when our worldly eyes are filled with the love of God and we recognise the light of Vaheguroo (God) within all. 

Become that beautiful, fragrant Sikh of the True Guru and teach the world by becoming a living example! 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "This world is a garden, and my Lord God is the Gardener.
He always takes care of it-nothing is exempt from His Care.
As is the fragrance which He bestows, so is the fragrant flower known."
