Game of love 188- TRUTH


All trust the truthful person. Do not get in to the rut of lying and fibbing all the time. Be truthful about who you are and live with the truth of everyday life. This self discipline will allow you to expand your mind in to new realms. 

It's easy to get in to the rut of lying and fibbing. The only problem is it becomes a part of us, which then can not be separated from us. When people catch on to this dishonest person, they soon want to be separated from such an individual. One is left with very little friends, as nobody has any trust in a dishonest person. The sad thing is, being dishonest, becomes so engrossed in the individual, they begin to think everything they say is the truth. How sad must this state of mind be. 

Guru sahib ji in Gurbaani talks about the truthful beings. These humans will live and die for the truth. They will act according to the truth and they will never speak a word of a lie. 

Why do they live in this way? Guru Sahib ji is the truth, God is the truth and for one to merge back in to the truth, they have to become the truth. 

Guru Sahib ji says, one will only find peace, love, contentment, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness through practicing the truth. 

Truth has a very powerful energy, which it lets out through ones aura. A genuine, truthful person stands out beautifully, whereas you only feel the negative energy within a dishonest person. 

So why waste time? Practice truth, truthful living and self respect. This is the most beautiful way of life. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Peace and happiness shall fill your mind deep within, if you act according to truth and self discipline."
