Game of love 94- WORD (shabad)

WORD (shabad)

When you begin to meditate through the shabad on a regular basis, you will start to notice that thoughts and feelings that may have been building up inside of you are gently released and you reach the quite place that was always there, waiting for you - the place of pure awareness. It is there that you will experience yourself, peace, healing, love, compassion, contentment, truth, high spirits and true rejuvenation. 

Repeat the name of God-again and again, as you; sit in a bus or take a train to the office, work in the kitchen or garden, during your walks, as you take your bath, as you dress up, before going to sleep, during sleep and on awakening. Repeat the name as often as you can. Repeat the name with love and longing in your heart and tears in your eyes. Take care the repetition does not become mechanical and boring. Fasten this one word, 'Gurmantar' (Gods word Vaheguroo) to your heart. Let the 'word' go with you in your daily work and your daily life. The 'word' will keep your consciousness awake. In the case of doubt, temptation and trouble, solve it with this ONE WORD! Repeat the WORD, until it; penetrates your heart, engulfs your soul, HEAR it with your 'heart'! 'See' it in your integral intuition, and your whole being becomes this ONE WORD! All else is evaporated or eliminated! 

"The precious gift of this human life becomes fruitful when one chants the True Word of the Shabad." Guru Arjun Dev Ji. 
